See photos and learn that 3 fashion trend will dominate the fashion scene this winter, according to the opinion of Olivia Palermo ... A should trust her!
Pogledajte fotografije i saznajte koja 3 modna trenda će dominirati modnom scenom ove zime, ako je verovati mišljenju Olivie Palermo... A trebalo bi da joj verujemo!
1. Sunglasses - If you thought the sunglasses is reserved only for the summer, you were wrong! UV radiation is strong and during clear winter days, and even present when clouds hide the sky. White snow adds to the negative effect, so the sunglasses essential protection for your vision! On the mountain,, are absolute must haves '' and unless it will protect you from the sun will be a fantastic winter accessory.
1. Naočare za sunce - Ako ste mislili da su naočare za sunce rezervisane samo za leto, pogrešili ste! UV zračenje je jako i tokom vedrih zimskih dana, a čak je prisutno i kada oblaci sakriju nebo. Belina snega dodatno pojačava negativno dejstvo, pa su naočare za sunce ključna zaštita vašeg vida! Na planini su apsolutni ,,must have'', a osim što će vas štititi od sunca biće i fantastičan zimski aksesoar.
2. Sweaters -Sweaters are the best choice for cold winter days because they preserve the delicate throat from the cold and wind. With them you scarf practical and should not be, but it certainly does not hurt that it additionally protect the neck and face in a frosty winter nights when the temperature drops below zero.
2. Rolka džemperi - Rolka džemperi su najbolji izbor za hladne zimske dane jer čuvaju osetljivo grlo od hladnoće i vetra. Uz njih vam šal praktično i ne treba, ali svakako nije na odmet da njime dodatno zaštitite vrat i lice u ledenim zimskim večerima kada se temperatura spušta ispod nule.
3. Semi-long coats - of course, without a coat, we can not even imagine the winter. This season will be rather long current models that cover the buttocks, but not his legs. The good side is they protect the vital parts of the body - the stomach and back. The colors that are worn mainly in earthy colors - olive green, ocher, brown - and the materials tweed, velvet, wool. Again, they are popular models in military style, as well as those retro wide lapels.
3. Poludugi kaputi - Naravno, bez akputa ne možemo ni da zamislimo zimu. Ove sezone biće aktuelni poludugi modeli koju pokrivaju zadnjicu, ali ne i noge. Dobra strana je što štite vitalne delove tela - stomak i leđa. Boje koje se nose su uglavnom u zemljanim tonovima - maslinasto zelena, oker, braon - a materijali tvid, somot, vuna. Ponovo su popularni modeli u vojničkom stilu, kao i oni širokih retro revera.
Milica Fashion.
Hvala tii,naravno da cu ga pogledati <3